New laser equipment stops snoring and blindness

Russian physicists at the Institute for Laser Problems and Information Technology have developed medical equipment that will help to get rid of the deflection of the nasal septum. According to statistics, 20 to 30 percent of the world population suffers from this defect.

Even an insignificant defect is capable of causing big troubles from a chronic nasal catarrh and inflammation of the auditory tube to a terrible snore. Until recently, the defect could be corrected only surgically, says the head of the laboratory of the bio-photonics of the institute, Emil Sobol.

snoring“This was a major surgical operation with heavy loss of blood and the patient had to undergo anesthesia,” says Emil Sobol. “We developed a simple and non-traumatic surgery to get rid of this abnormal condition. The technology is based on directing the laser ray on a small area for a short time period to change the structure and mechanical properties of the nasal septum. This will make the tissues plastic for a short time during which the form of the nasal septum is corrected.”

This will take only 15-20 minutes and the nasal septum will remain normal and healthy after the procedure, but it will anatomically have a correct form. The patient can go home calmly. This device was developed in Russia, but it was earlier used in telecommunication purposes. However, the scientists at the institute modified it to use in medicine, says Emil Sobol.

“The device also includes special control and diagnosis equipment with feedback, and this will make it possible to carry out the procedure effectively and harmlessly,” says Emil Sobol. “After the procedure, none of the patients had complications or side effects.”

At present the scientists at the institute are engaged in developing technology to correct the form of eye cornea to treat short-sightedness or long-sightedness. The new technology will replace operations, including the widely used laser surgery, which destroys tissues and has side effects. The Russian development paves the way for carrying out such operations without harming cornea and side effects.

So far, Russian physicists have not studied dental problems. However, according to Emil Sobol, research in the restoration of tissues, which has been carried out for over 20 years, will help to make discoveries and reveal new capabilities that will be successfully used by dentists too.


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